Our goal is to bring power and modern services to EVERYONE on our planet. This is a big goal and we need your help.
Help Fund a Village
It is important to us that we build sustainable business models around all of our installations. This make sure that the people receiving the power can feel like they are not paying for a service but rather investing in their path to new services for the future. With over 1.4 Billion homes around the world currently without power we have a large task in front of us. In order to make a difference in our world it only takes one village at a time. So if you want to help us with a financial contribution to the effort please follows the link below and make an investment in the future of our world.
Joint Venture With us in Your CommunityIf you have an area that is under served by a central power grid then please contact us so that we can find out how to work with you in your community.
Technical Partners We work with cutting edge technology providers that help us
to deliver power and services to remote communities around the world. If you have a technology that you think can
serve these areas and leverage off of our power infrastructure please contact